The Leadership Time Struggle

  • Take your business and function to the next level
  • Get on top of what executive leaders should be doing in their role
  • Create 4 more hours of freedom and capacity in your week
The Struggle

With growing pressure on EBIT, staff attrition at high levels in many people businesses, and a requirement to “do more with less”, we find ourselves in an ongoing circular current of never quite “catching up”. Many leaders we talk to and work with would initially tick most of these boxes;

  • Time-poor
  • Not spending enough time with their people
  • Not spending enough time on the business
  • Surviving today rather than leading for tomorrow
The Solution

Having a framework to step outside your role and consider where your time is going and why and where you should be investing your time is transformative.

Then learning strategies from experienced Lighthouse Coaches and other leaders at similar levels can really help accelerate what you know you should be doing, but in a smart way.



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